At the beginning of March we headed up to Portland with my mom and Tyson to take our bridal photos. I think every time I told people we were doing that, their reaction was the same. "You're going ALL the way to Oregon just for pictures?" It was a pretty long way to go, but I really wanted our bridal pictures to be unique. I'm only getting married one time, so that's how I justify it. ;) The pictures turned out amazing; I can't wait to share them. 

I looooved Portland! That was my first time there; it has been on my list for awhile. The weather was a little gloomy, but the trip really was so fun. I seriously took no pictures which is not normal for me at all, especially when I travel....but we were busy getting ready for our bridals and and our trip was only a few days so there wasn't much time. We stayed at a little AirBnB in the most beautiful area and spent time thrifting at some cool vintage shops, and eating amazing food! Also, Cannon Beach was sooooo cool; I'm in love with it. Leif took some footage on our drone and I'm excited to share it because it was unreal! 

My favorite places we ate:

Blue Star Donuts

The Waffle Window

Por Qué No

Little Big Burger

Leif & I will be going back for sure at some point to do some more shopping, eating and shooting because it was so so fun and beautiful! Here are a few pictures I took on my camera & iPhone. :)