Hey everyone!! Long time no talk. I am the absolute worst at posting consistently on my blog. I always say I'm going to do better-but this time I MEAN IT!

if you don't know already, Leif and I are currently traveling full time as we wait to find a house we love in California. We have found a few prospects, but are still working on applying/figuring everything out. The whole house hunting process is fun but it's also kind of hard to look for homes when we are overseas (we have been doing it all online)-but really I have faith everything will work out how it is supposed to!

So, to start off our travel posts-I wanted to post our photos from Iceland + Paris a few weeks ago! My friend Amber, who runs her own hair extension company, invited us to come on their first #BFBHair trip and it was unreal! Our first stop was Iceland-it was so dang cold and windy and I was soooo under-prepared. Since we had been a few months before, I told everyone "Oh you will be fine with just a sweater!" (None of us wanted to pack heavy coats because we were going to be traveling for a few weeks!). Unfortunately I was wrong and it was freezing and so windy! I should have known better. haha

Either way, it was a blast. Iceland is one of those places that just honestly does not seem real. The views are out of this world! I remember thinking at the end of our time there, it's funny how desensitized you get to the waterfalls and stuff since there are so many. But everything is so amazing!

On another note, the food in Iceland is EXPENSIVE and probably my least favorite food of anywhere I have traveled to. It is really mediocre and it makes me mad to spend that much money on it. Just my two cents if you were curious. ;)

Next, we headed to Paris! We stayed at the prettiest Airbnb-I always love the balcony views. So dreamy! Side note: the elevators in Paris are TINY (like 2 people max can fit usually and you are crammed) and where we stayed was on like the 5th floor so carrying up all the luggage was a treat. haha but that is how it has been anywhere we have stayed in Paris! So funny.

We had a really chill time in the city-just walking around and visiting some beautiful sights. The Eiffel Tower gets me every time! It is just so magical. ESPECIALLY seeing it sparkle at night. Every night starting at sunset it starts sparkling for 5 minutes on the hour, every hour until 1 AM. If that sentence made no sense....basically it starts at 9 PM and sparkles for 5 minutes, then again at 10 PM and so on. It is so pretty!

Somewhere else that I loved visiting was Palais-Royal. It is those cute striped pillars you have probably seen on Instagram at some point. I had never been and thought it was so cool! Alsooo, really close to that is the Louvre which we walked around. And right by that was the cutest fair we went to! I don't think it is always around-I'm guessing it was just there for summer? But we rode these swings and the view from the top was incredible! You could see all the Parisian buildings/streets and the Eiffel Tower in the distance. After about one minute on it-we were all ready to throw up haha but it was so cool, and we captured one of my favorite pictures ever! 

After Paris, we went to the Amalfi Coast! I wrote a separate post for that-you can view it here. :)

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